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Early Spring flowers with our March Banner

Category Archives: winter colour

Winter Planting

There is still plenty of colour on the nursery for winter planting. Pansies. Anemones, Bellis, Cyclamen, Hellebores and Polyanthus and Primroses for the spring. In the shrub section, Mahonias and Sarcococca are in flower now; they are wonderfully scented and provide some winter food for the bees. There are also...
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Christmas Roses and Hellebores

We have the popular Christmas Rose ‘Christmas Carol’ £7.95 a hybrid Hellebore, much more robust than the species which is notoriously difficult to grow. (image below left) Also, some hybrid ‘Gold Collection’ Hellebores (below right)  in 3L pots (£14.95). These are beginning to flower now and will go on well...
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Autumn/winter bedding plants

We have our usual excellent range of pansies and violas.  Some violas are naturally winter flowers but pansies (Viola x wittrockiana (Deltini rose pink pansy) have been hybridised with other viola species to gain this characteristic.  The Panola range is particularly good: the flowers are not as large as some...
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