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Winter flowers with our Feb Banner

Category Archives: Vegetables


We shall be producing our usual comprehensive range of vegetables this year. Most of our tried and trusted varieties will be available but, alas, nothing ever stays the same for long and a few old favourites are no longer available: Cabbage Hispi – a spring and summer pointed cabbage has...
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We have been trying some new varieties of runner beans.   Lady Di, advertised as an early, has not really come to much, and will crop at the same time as our standard Achievement, an old favourite and a good flavour. The dwarf runner Solitaire on the other hand has been...
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Confusing Curcubits – Cucumbers

Cucumbers can be very bitter if they are pollinated.  In the old days, gardeners had to be vigilant and remove the male flowers as soon as they appeared. Nowadays, we have F₁, varieties that only have female flowers, so you do not have to worry.  These are much more vigorous...
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Vegetables at Downside Nurseries

The vegetable bench is fully stocked now – the first of the kale is ready and there are still peas and sugar peas.  The last sowings of these will be the end of May. It is warm enough now for sweetcorn, courgettes and marrows to go out.  All the beans...
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There have been several warnings in the press recently about the tomato variety “Gardeners’ Delight” having broken down.  As far as we can tell, this is due to just one batch of bad seed from a generally rather unreliable supplier.  So far we have had no trouble with our tomatoes....
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