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Category Archives: Seed

Seeds – Asarina, Marigold, Zinnia, Nasturtium

The seeds are in – at least most of them. Some are still to arrive, hopefully before their due sowing dates!  Some old favourites are sadly no longer available, but we have found good alternatives. Now the planning begins:  things like peppers and tomatoes need an early start to take...
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Nigella Hispanica (Spanish love-in-a-mist)

Special Offer for members of the Bath University Gardening Club for Nigella Hispanica (Spanish love-in-a-mist) seeds Members of the Bath University Gardening Club who went on the Hampshire outing last summer will remember the lovely, tall, dark blue hardy annual Nigella hispanica  (Spanish love-in-a-mist) filling in the herbaceous borders at Bury Court....
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