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Category Archives: Autumn colour

Heucheras (Coral Bells) and Heucherellas (Foamy Bells) at Downside

Heucheras (Coral Bells) and Heucherellas (Foamy Bells) at Downside Nurseries: Heuchera make excellent foliage plants for sun to part-shade gardens…   Most flowers are not as impressive as the foliage, but they do add an extra level of interest. Heucherella are selected Coral Bells crossed with Tiarella to create amazing foliage...
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Carex plyllocephala Whirling Sparkler

Lorraine is really pleased to have been able to source this once again, as it has been unobtainable for several years.  It is nice grass and always popular ‘Sparkler’ is an evergreen sedge with whorled, strap-like leaves that are light-green with cream margins on an upright stem which create a...
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