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Category Archives: Autumn colour

Shrubs at Downside

Shrubs are getting difficult to source, particularly anything out of the ordinary.  We try and propagate what we can ourselves and keep a sharp eye out for any interesting subjects. We have just had a delivery in from the shrub specialist Brockhill Nursery. Some very nice items: Albizia julibrissin (Persian...
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Hydrangeas at Downside

We have an amazing selection of Hydrangeas on the nursery at present. These useful shrubs are becoming increasingly popular. They are shade tolerant and the light-coloured ones can make useful underplanting or brighten up a gloomy corner. Hydrangea Peteolaris – an excellent climber, especially for a north wall Hydrangea Seemannii...
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Autumn baskets

Although the weather is still warm and summer lingers on, like it or not autumn is around the corner.  A little planning is necessary and hard decisions have to be made.  You can leave planting out winter bedding a little longer, but the sooner autumn baskets are established, the better....
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Tubs, Baskets, Pansies and Violas

Like it or not, it is time to think of Autumn tubs and baskets.  It is tempting to leave the summer displays for as long as possible, but for a really satisfactory winter show, you need to make the change before the end of October. We recommend rattan baskets for...
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