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Early Spring flowers with our March Banner

Plants this week at Downside Nurseries – 5th June

Here are a few images of plants looking particularly wonderful this week at Downside Nurseries.

Perennial Perennial antirrhinum Pretty in Pink A fantastic perennial snapdragon, bearing masses of pink flowers from summer through to the first frosts.
Shrub Phygelius Devil’s Tears A robust suckering shrub with dark green leaves and large panicles of tubular deep pink flowers.  A wonderful tub subject.
Perennial Campanula Purple Sensation Its blooms will flower all summer.
Perennial Anemone Wild Swan White flowers with a blue reverse, and flourishes in dappled shade; it has a much longer flowering season than traditional varieties
Shrub Philadelphus Snowbelle A medium-sized double Philadelphus with wonderfully scented white flowers.
Shrub Viburnum opulus Compactum A garden-sized version of the native species, red berries and purple leaves in autumn
Shrub Buddleja glomerata Silver Service An unusual and rarely offered evergreen shrub with pretty, downy silver leaves.
Shrub Sinocalycanthus Hartlage Wine A rare and sought after plant with beautiful, lightly-scented, wine-coloured flowers along the branches.
Phygelius Devil's Tears

Phygelius Devil’s Tears

Buddleja glomerata Silver Service

Buddleja glomerata Silver Service

Campanula Purple Sensation

Campanula Purple Sensation

AnemoneWild Swan

Anemone Wild Swan

Perennial antirrhinumPretty in Pink

Perennial antirrhinum Pretty in Pink

Viburnum opulus Compactum

Viburnum opulus Compactum

SinocalycanthusHartlage Wine

Sinocalycanthus Hartlage Wine

Philadelphus Snowbelle

Philadelphus Snowbelle