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Amazing late summer display for our September Banner


The perennial beds are full of colour.  There are Achilleas,  Phlox , Monardas , Echinaceas and Rudbeckias.  We are particularly pleased with Terry Dowdeswell’s New Millennium Delphiniums – the flower spikes have real quality and some of the stems are like bamboo canes.

The roses have survived the wet and are looking good. Patio roses seem to have lost their scent somewhere in the breeding but they make up for it by being covered in flowers all summer.  Floribundas and Hybrid Teas flower all summer as well AND are scented, but more suitable for a border.

Brugmansia are large evergreen shrubs with simple, ovate leaves and large, solitary, pendent trumpet-shaped or tubular flowers which are often fragrant.  A few days of sun and the Brugmansias will be flowering. They are really amazing – huge trumpets and strongly scented especially in the evening.  Wonderful on a patio, they grow astonishingly fast but remember to feed every time you water.

See our plant list here for the nursery featuring plants ordered at the beginning of the season.


Phlox peniculata Bright Eyes 117

Phlox peniculata Bright Eyes



Echinacea Pow Wow White at Downside Nurseries

Echinacea Pow Wow White at Downside Nurseries

Rudbeckia Cherokee Sunset

Rudbeckia Cherokee Sunset