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Early Spring flowers with our March Banner

Heucheras (Coral Bells) and Heucherellas (Foamy Bells) at Downside

Heucheras (Coral Bells) and Heucherellas (Foamy Bells) at Downside Nurseries:

Heuchera make excellent foliage plants for sun to part-shade gardens…   Most flowers are not as impressive as the foliage, but they do add an extra level of interest.

Heucherella are selected Coral Bells crossed with Tiarella to create amazing foliage displays with large cut leaves and incredible variegation. Each year
more and more are introduced like Heucherella ‘Sweet Tea’, which has huge cinnamon coloured leaves with an intense orange-coloured border. ‘Sweet Tea’ is a
robust plant that performs very well in our summer heat and humidity! Because Heucherella is bred with Tiarella they can handle the shade and are great
companions with your Hostas and Ferns!

Our varieties include Heuchera Caramel, Heuchera Lime Ricky, Heuchera Midnight Rose, Heuchera Palace Purple, Heuchera Peach Flambe & Silver Scrolls and Heucherella Stoplight and Sweet Tea.

These individual heuchera and heucherella  images below were photographed in April by Christina Cornish.

Image of Heuchera in many colours at Downside Nurseries

Heuchera in many colours at Downside Nurseries


Heuchera Caramel web 036 Heuchera Lime Ricky 037 web Heuchera Midnight Rose web 038 Heuchera Palace Purple web 035 Heuchera Peach Flambe web 040 Heuchera Silver Scrolls web 042 Heucherella Stoplight web 034 Heucherella Sweet Tea web 033