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Early Spring flowers with our March Banner

White plants for your borders – Orlaya grandiflora, Perennial Stocks, Nicotiana affinis and sylvestris, White tree lupins and New Guinea Impatiens

If you’re looking for white plants for your borders, then here’s a few options for your consideration:

Orlaya grandiflora- the white flowers of this gorgeous short lived perennial form in big, flat-topped clusters, which can look a little like lace-cap hydrangeas.  They flower throughout the summer and continue until first frosts .  We will have a good crop available from May.

Perennial Stocks – much loved by Dan Pearson for their intoxicating fragrance, these make a lovely addition to your beds from June

Nicotiana affinis  – a
knee high and very scented biennial grown forming white, long tubular, fragrant white  flowers that are produced from late summer to autumn. Sometimes quite difficult to find.

Nicotiana sylvestris – these gorgeously fragrant nicotiana look wonderful at the back of a lightly shaded or sunny border.  The flower stems are topped in summer and early autumn with large, loose sprays of very long, slim drooping flowers. Opening by day, these are pure white and intensely fragrant.   These will tolerate a light frost so can be planted out soon.

White apart, we also carry lime green, red, pink and purple nicotianas.
You’ll find them past the herbs in the large aluminium glass house.

White tree lupins – a Downside speciality.  No matter how many we do, we always sell out!

New Guinea Impatiens – available from about 3rd week of May – come in a variety of colours and last until first frosts.  They give a blaze of colour and work well in patio containers or as part of your bedding display.  We should have a good selection of colours including white.

Orlaya grandiflora will flower throughout the summer.  Good crop available here at Downside Nurseries from May.

Orlaya grandiflora will flower throughout the summer. Good crop available here at Downside Nurseries from May.

New Guinea Impatiens at Downside Nurseries

New Guinea Impatiens will be available at Downside from about 3rd week of May; they come in a variety of colours and last until the first frosts.

White Nicotiana at Downside Nurseries

White Nicotiana at Downside Nurseries. We stock affinis and sylvestris