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Winter flowers with our Feb Banner

Hydrangea Macrophylla ‘Merveille Sangine’, Hydrangea Macro ‘Zorro’ (blue), Sweet Woodruff, Dryopterris filixmas ‘Cristata’

Hydrangea Macrophylia ‘Merveille Sanguine’, Hydrangea Macro ‘Zorro’ (blue), Sweet Woodruff, Dryopterris filixmas ‘ Cristata’

A lovely collection of plants at Downside last week –

The Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Merveille Sanguine’

A stunning cultivar with mopheads of intense deep red florests turning to a deep rich plum (or royal purple if on acid soil).  Attractive grteen leaves maroon tinged darkening as the season progresses.  Grows to a medium–sized bush.  Best in sun in any reasonable soil but not too dry. Ideal in any shrub or mixed border or planted as a specimen.

Hydrangea Macro ‘Zorro’ (blue)

Lacecap. Deciduous shrub with dark purple-brown stems. Pretty pink flowers in alkaline soil or blue in acid soil, star-shaped flowers. Any moist soil in sun or shade. Good coastal plant.  Ht 1.5m

Sweet Woodruff,

A low-growing woodland perennial, ideal as a ground cover plant. Dark green leaves are produced in whorls and hwen dried produce a scent of newly mown hay.

Suitable for planting in a shady position and ideal for tubs and pots.  Flowering time is late Spring to early summer and height is up to 23cm (9inches).

?Culinary Uses:  Used dto flavour wines. Leaves and flowers make a delicious tea. Dried leaves can be used amongst clothes and in pot pourri

Traditional Medicinal Uses: used as a tonic herb

(note, not with the majority of herbs, on right as you enter greenhouses; but further down on left hand side)

Dryopterris filixmas ‘ Cristata’

A ‘handsome’ fern forming a shuttlecock of mid green fronds which are crested at their tips and at the ends of the divisions, on long stems, with green midribs. Easy and tolerant of a wide range of conditions including dry shade, once established.