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Tag Archives: winter colour

Plants to help bees through the winter

An interesting article from Alice Bowe giving details of some of the best plants to grow to help bees during the winter months.  See the Times article here Her suggested plants include: Winter clematis –Clematis cirrhosa** Mahonia – Mahonia x media Winter heather – Erica carnea Cornus mas – Cornelian...
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These cyclamen are ideal for winter planters. Hard frosts may nip off the flowers but more rapidly appear. Our hardy outdoor cyclamens give a lovely splash of colour at this time of year – choose between the ornamentals which are perfect for tubs, or hederifolium (ivy-leaved) – great plants for...
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Schizostylis Plants: Pink Princess & Cindy Towe, Salvias Royal Bumble & greggii Caramba with Corynephorus canescens Spiky Blue

The soft Pink Princess and vivid red Cindy Towe Schizostylis plants make a beautiful addition to late summer and autumn gardens, producing clumps of spiky, rich-green foliage and spears of star-shaped flowers that are reminiscent of a wide open crocus. Flowers September to December. The Pink Princess Kaffir Lilly’s long thick...
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Mahonia for winter colour ‘Soft Caress’ and ‘Wintersun’

Mahonia for winter colour ‘Soft Caress’ and ‘Wintersun’ – contrasting beautiful plants Soft Caress:  The more unusual ‘Soft Caress’ was winner of the ‘Plant of the Year’ at RHS Chelsea Flower Show in 2013 and, as its name suggests, it has spine free foliage so not prickly!  It is a...
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