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Winter flowers with our Feb Banner

Tag Archives: polyanthus

Winter Planting

There is still plenty of colour on the nursery for winter planting. Pansies. Anemones, Bellis, Cyclamen, Hellebores and Polyanthus and Primroses for the spring. In the shrub section, Mahonias and Sarcococca are in flower now; they are wonderfully scented and provide some winter food for the bees. There are also...
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Mothering Sunday

After the snow, gardens are looking a bit battered.   Mothers’ Day is a good opportunity to brighten things up a bit.  We have loads of colour, primroses and cyclamen at pocket money prices. There are still trays of polyanthus in bloom and the trays of primroses are beginning to flower....
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Autumn Bedding

Autumn Bedding Now is the time to ditch those sad summer containers and plant out with autumn bedding.  The sooner you do it the better your winter display will be.  The days are getting shorter and the plants are slowing down, so buy larger plants and plant closer than in...
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