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Early Spring flowers with our March Banner


We are all being encouraged to plant trees and, naturally, this has created a shortage.  Last year we split our order as usual (Autumn/Spring) but quite a lot of what we had reserved for our second delivery did not turn up, so this year we have decided to take them all in the autumn.  The first delivery has just arrived and did present a few logistical problems!  If you have already ordered, please be patient; we will ring you as soon as we are ready.  It is unlikely we shall be able to get any more trees, however; there is very little surplus stock available, but we will have an excellent selection so do come during October and make your choice. It is a good time to be planting.

These first five images are of the new trees on the Nursery taken on a wet Saturday 2nd October,- the Malus Butterball’s bright yellow crab apples lift the spirits, though… Following these are some stunning individual tree images, with thanks to our supplier Frank Matthews for these images.