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Cool bedding plants for our October Banner

Tag Archives: scented

Daphne bholua Jacqueline Postill

Daphnes are wonderful small shrubs with highly scented flowers. Unfortunately, they are difficult to propagate and slow growing.  Daphne bhoula Jacqueline Postill is one of the most desirable and has been unobtainable for some time since the only nurseryman in the country still propagating it retired.  Commercial production has started...
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Brugmansia (angel’s trumpet)

Brugmansia (angel’s trumpet) is an evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub which certainly makes a spectacular statement in a conservatory or cool greenhouse. The trumpet-shaped flowers are often highly scented, and although the plant is not fully hardy, it can be placed outdoors during the frost-free summer months.  We have both some...
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