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Tag Archives: birthday gifts

Schizostylis Plants: Pink Princess & Cindy Towe, Salvias Royal Bumble & greggii Caramba with Corynephorus canescens Spiky Blue

The soft Pink Princess and vivid red Cindy Towe Schizostylis plants make a beautiful addition to late summer and autumn gardens, producing clumps of spiky, rich-green foliage and spears of star-shaped flowers that are reminiscent of a wide open crocus. Flowers September to December. The Pink Princess Kaffir Lilly’s long thick...
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Downside’s Gift Vouchers

Downside’s gift vouchers make such a lovely gift; your recipient can spend it on a plant of their own choosing which can remind them of you for months to come. You can purchase our gift vouchers in units of £5, £10, £15 and £25 and they come with one of...
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West Wiltshire Magazine – August 2012

Watch out for our one page article in August’s edition of the West Wiltshire Magazine. We’re very grateful to Christina Cornish who has taken many of our photos for our website and article and who is one of the Downside team. We mention in the article that roses always make...
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