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Category Archives: Hanging Baskets

Hanging Baskets

Keep watering those hanging baskets… The wind can be very drying and the rain scarcely penetrates the foliage.   if they do dry out, the only thing to do is stand them in a bucket of water for an hour or two. For further information about feeding and watering your...
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Hanging Baskets

We are busy making up customers’ own baskets and there are plenty of ‘off the shelf’ ones ready to go.  We usually say the end of May/beginning of June is a good time to hang them up.  They should be properly grown in by then and we often seem to...
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Hanging Baskets at Downside Nurseries

Hanging Baskets at Downside Nurseries     It’s the time of year to order your hanging baskets from us if you haven’t done so already!  You’ll then have that wonderful display of flowers all through the summer – so long as you do water regularly! You can choose the colour...
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Care of your Hanging Basket

Care of your Hanging Basket Just a reminder to feed your hanging baskets!    We made up about 400 baskets this year for individuals, hotels, restaurants, pubs and offices. The baskets you buy from us will all have been given long-term fertiliser. With regular watering and feeding, your summer basket...
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