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Magnificent summer display for our June Banner

About: Andrew Poulton

Recent Posts by Andrew Poulton

10,000 or so baby plants have just arrived 1st May

These arrived yesterday. Whilst we grow much from seeds and cuttings, a lot of plants are essentially copyrighted, protected under breeder’s rights. This means we are not allowed to produce them ourselves, but we are allowed to buy them in, grow them on, and then sell them. On a lot...
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Nursery News 26th April

We have a lovely range of scented leaf and variegated pelargoniums in just now – these are becoming difficult to find and our stocks will disappear fast! Peppers, chillis and cucumbers are now ready with the veg bench filling up too. The Lathyrus Rotundifoliusmentioned in our last update have now...
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Nursery News 5th April

10 of our 14 varieties of tomatoes are now ready for planting out with the rest following soon. Come and check out our selection Despite the glorious weather we’ve been having don’t be tempted to plant tender summer bedding – still too early. But still time to plant trees and...
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