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Cool bedding plants for our October Banner

Roses – what’s in a name?

We were busy in July ordering roses for next year.  We can only stock a limited number so there is a lot to consider.  Is it a nice colour? Strong grower? Disease resistant? Scented? What it is called doesn’t come into the equation.  After all our efforts it is depressing to find customers searching for a rose simply because it is the name of a friend or relative – not always a good idea. You will not be thanked for lumbering your loved one with a sickly plant – an orange flower when they like pink, or vice versa.

There is a classic rose called Wedding Day.  We have given up stocking it – too difficult to control in the stock beds. Also, it is a slow seller, mainly because we discourage people from buying it!  Newly-weds with a small garden or balcony are not going to welcome a rose that will grow 40’ into a tree!

There are many roses named for special celebrations – not all are gooddoers, some we carefully avoid.  There are some worthwhile ones though and we try to stock a good selection.
See the list we prepared at the beginning of the season with this in mind…

We have made our choices now, but it will be nearly Christmas before we have them safely potted up and know exactly what we have. Our suppliers are very conscientious and will not send stock that is not up to standard.  Our 2024 list should be posted early in the New Year.