It is a good time also to plant shrubs and trees. The bare root hedging only came in just before Christmas, due to the warm autumn. Containerised shrubs can be planted anytime provided you keep up the watering, but bare-root plants need to be in before the warm weather. Preferably before they start to show signs of growth.
This year we have stocked a lot of more native species to make mixed hedges. Alternatively, they can be planted individually and grown on to make full-sized trees and shrubs. We have good stocks of Green Beech and Hawthorn, and smaller numbers of
Alder | Alnus glutinosa |
Blackthorn (Sloe) | Prunus spinosa |
Dog Rose | Rosa Canina |
Field Maple | Acer campestre |
Guelder Rose | Viburnum opulus |
Hazel | Corylus avellana |
Hornbeam | Carpinus betulus |
Mountain Ash | Sorbus aucuparia |
Oak | Quercus robur |
Privet | Ligustrum ovalifolium |
Silver Birch | Betula pendula |
Spindle | Euonymus europaeus |
Wayfaring Tree | Viburnum lantana |
Wild Cherry | Prunus avium |
Privet is usually thought of as an urban hedge, but it is native and if not clipped back too hard has wonderful scented white flowers which the bees and other pollinating insects love.
7th February 2022