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Cool bedding plants for our October Banner

New Shrubs

The shrub section has been replenished.  All the old favourites are there and, in addition, we have had a delivery from Brockhill Nursery who specialise in unusual and scarce subjects.  We are grateful to them for permission to use these images.  Some highlights are listed below. We have only been able to get small quantities so early inspection is advised. A few need a sheltered spot, but all should stand the winter in this area. Most are fully hardy. 

Actinidia pilosula – a variegated climber similar to the more familiar kolmitka but cream variegation, not pink and cream.
Buddleja crispa (sometimes called the Himalayan Butterfly Bush) – grey woolly leaves and pale lilac flowers, a bit lax but an excellent wall shrub Carpenteria californica – (tree anemone) Eskimo and Ladhams varieties – large white anemone flowers. Evergreen. Scarce Cephalanthus occidentalis Fibre Optic (Button Bush) – fluffy white spherical flowers – an excellent variety of this unusual shrub. Tolerates wet soils.
Clereodendron trichotomum fargesii (Harlequin Glory Bower or Glory Tree)  – fragrant white flowers in early August followed by turquoise berries in crimson calyces
Colquhounia coccinea vestita – evergreen with apple-scented leaves and scarlet flowers
Dichroa Long March – hydrangea-like pink flowers and purple berries Dipelta yunnanensis (Yunnan Honeysuckle) – large deciduous glossy leaves foxglove-like white flowers and peeling bark
Eucryphia lucida Pink Cloud (leatherwood Pink Cloud) –  Evergreen, pink flowers with crimson centres. Sheltered position
Solanum jasminoides – This is the species with white flowers turning pale mauve. We think this is prettier than the more usual purple Glasnevin
Viburnum hillieri Winton (arrowwood Winton) – pretty reliably evergreen shiny leaves with bronze new growth and red autumn colour. Zauschneria calafornica Dublin (Californian fuchsia, hummingbird trumpet) – low growing subshrub with scarlet tubular flowers in late summer and autumn.