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Early Spring flowers with our March Banner

Mothering Sunday

After the snow, gardens are looking a bit battered.   Mothers’ Day is a good opportunity to brighten things up a bit.  We have loads of colour, primroses and cyclamen at pocket money prices.

There are still trays of polyanthus in bloom and the trays of primroses are beginning to flower.

Rockery bulbs are showing colour and the Ranunculus are looking stunning.

The potted Cineraria are hardier than they look and should be fine outside now in a sheltered spot.

Hellebores are in bloom and if you can’t make your mind up, we have mixed planters.

Foxgloves make a wonderful display in May before the herbaceous borders have got going.  We still have these available in packs.  Do not overlook them because they are just green leaves at the moment; they are well worth the wait!

Did you see our article in the West Wilts Magazine this month?

Mothering Sunday colour W Cyclamen & pansy basket portrait 834 W Hellebore double queen pink 838 W Helleborus Argutifolius herbaceous at Downside 786 web W Primula assorted colours 892 W Primula English primrose 846


Mothering Sunday colour