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Early Spring flowers with our March Banner

Spring is coming 

 At long last, we are getting a few bright days interspersed with the gloom and it seems possible to venture out into the garden again.

It is a good time to plant deciduous trees and shrubs. Nowadays, with containerised stock, you can plant any time of year but spring is best because the roots have time to establish before the leaves appear. Whenever you plant, keep an eye on the watering until the plant is well established.  A good soak once or twice a week is best.   No need to worry on frosty days but when the leaves appear in the spring be vigilant.  Even on dull days with light rain the wind can be very drying.

Pulmonaria are in full flower now:  Diana Clare has typical purple flowers and beautiful silvered apple-green foliage.  We also have Sissinghurst White, Opal and best of all Blue Ensign.  Blue flowers are scarce any time of year but this is the blue with no trace of pink – stunning.

The spring bulbs are beginning to flower now – snowdrops, scilla, narcissi. The primroses are making a wonderful show – both pot and pack. This year we have grown Ranunculus (double buttercups). They are not an easy crop to get started but fully hardy and tough when they get going.  Mostly yellows and oranges but there are some purples and reds in the mixture as well.  Perfect for rockeries and planters.

See the link to our plant page on our website



Pulmonaria Opal 802 Pulmonaria Diana Clare web 809 Primula & cyclamen 888