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Winter flowers with our Feb Banner

Brassicas, Kale and Sticcoli

Vegetable notes from Downside

We know a lot of you like to plant your winter brassicas in the space left by the early potatoes.  This is really a little late for most things but if you are pressed for space it is a reasonable compromise.  We will keep the plants available as long as we can.  This year we are going to put up a few sprouts and Purple Sprouting plants into larger pots for really late comers.

Kale is not sown until mid-May so there is plenty of time still for that… We will have Redbor, Winterbor and the Cavalo Nero (Black Tuscany) type Black Magic.

This year we are experimenting with Sticcoli – a long stem hybrid broccoli and Chinese Kale for autumn picking.  With a bit of luck, this will be too late for the creepy-crawlies.  When the plants are established it is important to pinch out the growing tip to encourage the side shoots to develop.

We shall keep the supply of lettuce going all summer.