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Winter flowers with our Feb Banner

Trees, hedging and watering

There is still plenty of time to plant trees and hedges.  We have a splendid selection of trees in from Frank Matthews – something for every size of garden.

If your space is limited, we have Betula Moonbeam (see featured image) – smaller than the regular jaquemontii, Eucalyptus Azura, far smaller than gunii (cider tree) and the new Acer platinoides Sensation, a smaller version of A. Drumondii.  This is not only less vigorous but has better leaf variation and is less likely to revert.

Bare root hedging whips are in stock.  Hawthorn, Beech and Privet.  We also have potted Laurel, Portuguese Laurel and Photinia. If you want something larger we can quote you for root-balled plants  – Laurel, Beech, Yew etc.  Allow about ten days for delivery.

Don’t forget to water!

Our annual reminder to keep an eye on your outdoor pots.  Make sure they are draining properly so the pot does not get cracked and keep checking on the watering.  Cold winds can be very drying and if evergreen get short of water they will scorch or even die.

Obviously you cannot water when the compost is frozen so take advantage of any mild weather,it does not matter what time of day you do it.