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Early Spring flowers with our March Banner


It has not been an ideal season for roses, a lot of black spot around, but some of the old favourites are showing their worth and performing wonderfully.  We still ahve Sally Holmes in full flower and the delightful and hard to find Rosa mutabilis.  This is one of the earliest to start and will continue until the frosts.

We buy all our roses bare root in November and put them in large pots in our special rich compost mix so we know they will get off to a good start.  We are ordering now so if you have any special requests, please let us know as soon as you can.

Next year is going to be difficult. David Austen have withdrawn all of their roses from general sale and are only propagating and distributing them themselves.  This means we shall be missing a few old stalwarts in the shrub section but there are thousands of roses out there to choose from and we are working hard to make sure we have a good selection next season.

See our Rose listings on our website, but remember this was the anticipated stock at the beginning of the season.