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Winter flowers with our Feb Banner

Valentine’s Day and Mothering Sunday gifts

If you’re looking for that perfect gift for Valentine’s Day and Mothering Sunday (6th March),  then check out our ready-made baskets and tubs, as well as our roses.

They make such lovely presents and last so very much longer than cut flowers.    Our selection of roses include:

90cm Standard Red Abundance,
50cm Standard Red Romance
Climbers :- Love Knot,Ena Harkness
Ramblers:-Red New Dawn,Crimson Shower
Floribunda:- Velvet Abundance, Moment in Time, Humanity
Hybrid Tea:- Deep Secret, Ena Harkness, Loving Memory. (Deep Secret is a lovely rose with a very strong perfume).

Image of red roses at Downside Nurseries

Roses for that perfect gift for Valentine’s Day

Image of ruby rose at Downside Nurseries

Ruby rose at Downside Nurseries