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Winter flowers with our Feb Banner

Wallflowers and Foxgloves (Digitalis)

Wallflowers and Foxgloves (Digitalis)     – perfect to plant now for lovely spring colours…

Our wallflowers come as dwarf mixed and Persian carpet mixed, and for those of you wanting self-colours, we have sunset yellow, orange, white and apricot and treasure red.  Just one or two for you to choose from – see the image (as at 3rd Oct).  And to quote Monty Don: “October is the ideal time for planting out wallflowers which, along with foxgloves, sweet rocket, sweet William and night-scented stock, are among my favourite garden biennials”.

Our foxgloves come in six-pack self-colours in white and apricot, or mixed.

Foxgloves (Digitalis) at Downside Nurseries end May

Foxgloves at Downside Nurseries end May