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Stock List for espalier and fan trained trees updated

Just to let you know that our updated stock list for our espalier,  fruit trees and step overs  is now on the website.  This was correct as at mid October.     Check out here.

The other varieties of tree will be updated in the New Year.   But please remember that all our stock lists indicate what we order and what we expect to be at the Nurseries.  It doesn’t unfortunately mean that this is what we will guarantee to have at any particular time.  If you’re travelling a distance please do call us and we will check and call you back. We’re not on any whizzy stock control systems either so one of the team will need to check personally and get back to you.

And just as a little reminder – if you’re able to pay by debit card instead of credit card, we’d be very grateful.   🙂  Thank you.