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Magnificent summer display for our June Banner

May 2010 – Clarenden School’s hanging basket competition

An Enterprise competition to produce the best hanging basket was launched last week and opened to all tutor groups in Years 7 and 8 at Clarenden School by Mrs Blower, their Enterprise co-ordinator.  The lucky designers of the winning basket will receive a passport ticket to Longleat House and Safari Park.

On Monday 17th May, two volunteers from each group travelled to Downside Nursery to receive a master class in assembling a ‘winning’ basket.  Downside had sponsored all the baskets which be placed around school.

All the students were then able to choose from a wide array of beautiful, colourful bedding plants and put together their own design.

The competition will be judged during the week beginning Monday 7th June 2010.

Good luck everyone!


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