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Early Spring flowers with our March Banner

Category Archives: Annual Bedding

Bedding Plants

Sweet Pea seed has been difficult to obtain again this year so we have no White Ensign or Mrs Bolton (pink). But we do have plenty of Galaxy Mix, Air Warden (red), Noel Sutton (light blue) and Blue Velvet (deep blue). Also plenty of the highly scented heritage variety Matucana....
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The scented geraniums are ready for sale. We know a lot of customers lost theirs in the hard winter. We have our usual wide range, but stocks are limited so shop early.  We did not manage to buy any Pelargonium Ardens cuttings this year, but we have a few of...
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The Victorian fashion for annual bedding is long gone, but annuals still have their place, not just in tubs and baskets but in herbaceous borders too.  Most professional gardeners slip a few into their beds to fill the gaps and keep the colour going. They are good as well for...
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Bedding and Patio Plants

We have our usual extensive range again this year. Evolvulus was new last year, and we were so delighted with it that we are doing it again this year. Stunning blue flowers, a bit slow to get going but well worth the wait. We have started it earlier this year to try...
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