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Amazing late summer display for our September Banner

Downside Nurseries Guide

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Key to labels on nursery layout

A – Seasonal Plants
B – Young stock plants & reserve greenhouse
C – Propagation house. No entry to the public
D – Till area and work shed
E – Outside growing beds – Fruit trees, Soft fruit, Roses, Seasonal bedding
F – Outside growing area – Deciduous shrubs

Outside Growing Beds

21 to 28 – Repeat stock, large specimen shrubs, trees


1,2,3,4,5,6 – Seasonal pack and pot bedding, Herbs, tender plants
7, 8 – Climbers and wall shrubs
9 – Delicate plants – Pittosporums, Acers, Hebes
10 – Lavenders
11 – Grasses and grass like plants
12,13,14,15,16 – Herbaceous items
17 – Ground cover plants and ferns
18,19 – Evergreen shrubs
20 – Conifers