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Amazing late summer display for our September Banner

Pot and Pack Bedding Plants

Colourful Bedding Plants from Wiltshire's Downside Nurseries

Tender patio and bedding plants add warmth and colour to your summer garden. We grow on site a wide variety – something for every situation, sun and shade, e.g. fuchsias, geraniums, trailing petunias and many more!

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Most of our seed raised bedding plants are offered in single colour packs as well as mixed to help you get your colour scheme just right. If you’re planning a large scheme, please remember that orders for cutting material need to be booked in September and seed-raised material by January at the very latest.

Bedding varieties change seasonally –please visit us to view all.  The list below represents some of our current selection, but please remember this doesn’t necessarily mean it will be in stock on the day you visit!  Conversely, there will be additions to our list during the year, so if you are looking for something particular, do ask – we might be able to help. Call us on 01225 862 392 or email us.


*white Argyranthemum Chelsea Girl
Last year’s miserable weather nearly killed our stock plant of the white Argyranthemum Chelsea Girl ( the one with the very fine leaves), so there will only be a few plants this year.  We have ordered extra ordinary white to make up. If you particularly want Chelsea Girl they should be ready  at the end of April.

**Sweet Peas
Sweet Peas seed has been difficult to obtain again this year so we have no White Ensign or Mrs Bolton (pink). We  do have plenty of Galaxy Mix, Air Warden (red), Noel Sutton (light blue) and Blue Velvet (deep blue).  Also plenty of the highly scented heritage variety Matucana. Sweet peas are  hardy and the first pots are already on sale. We recommend hardening off before planting out while there are still frosts about.

Impatiens New Guinea
1.5L pots available in a variety of colours from mid May.

Location: Fuchsias, tuberous Begonias and Geraniums will be in the greenhouse by the car park. Other bedding and hanging baskets will be in the main glasshouse and on the standing out ground.

Plant List for Bedding Plants February 2024

Please remember that the plant list is correct as at February 2024, but not all plants may be available on the day of your visit

If you’d like to download this page, please click here

2024 Plant List from Downside Nurseries. Patio plants in 9cm pots

2024 Plant List from Downside Nurseries. Patio plants in 10cm pots

2024 Plant List from Downside Nurseries. Annual Climbers in 10.5cm pots. Caned

2024 Plant List from Downside Nurseries. Fuchsia in 10cm pots

2024 Plant List from Downside Nurseries. Geraniums in 10.5cm pots

2024 Plant List from Downside Nurseries. Fancy Leaf Geraniums in 10cm pots

2024 Plant List from Downside Nurseries. Ivy Leaf Geraniums in 10cm pots

2024 Plant List from Downside Nurseries. Scented Leaf Geraniums in 10cm pots

Downside Nurseries Bedding Plants 2024. Taller Packs for cut flowers

2024 Plant List from Downside Nurseries. Premium pack bedding plants

2024 Plant List from Downside Nurseries. Pack Bedding Plants

Whetman Pinks

Whetman Plants Logo

Apart from our Garden Pinks, many of our other varieties are sold out by May so do visit early!

2024 Plant List from Downside Nurseries. Whetman Pinks