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Early Spring flowers with our March Banner

2025 Stock List on the website and Cornus contraversa Variegata ( Wedding Cake Tree)

Our 2025 stock list is now up on the website. This contains all the hardy stock we hold at present, together with all our projected perennial production to the end of May. We like to grow as much of our stock as possible, but we supplement this with selected items, mostly from independent nurseries, so that we can offer as wide and interesting selection as possible. Any noteworthy additions will be posted on the website.

Already since stocktaking we have managed to get some Cornus contraversa Variegata ( Wedding Cake Tree)  7.5 L for £84.99. Usually, we can only get larger sizes which are easily twice as expensive, so this is a good opportunity to buy one at a more reasonable price. It does not seem to matter what shape they start off – they always seem to sort themselves out and look magnificent.

The first Sweet Peas and Broad Beans are now ready and more vegetables will follow around 3rd week of March.