We are increasingly being asked for cut flower annuals. They are lovely to cut for yourself and make great presents for friends. Not difficult to grow, a little staking might be needed but that is about it.
This year’s ambitious list includes the following, and we have included images below as well, with grateful thanks to our seed suppliers Ball Colgrave and Moles for permission for their use.
- Antirrhinum Rocket mixed
- Aster Gala mixed
- Bupleurum (yellow-green filler)
- Clary Monarch mixed
- Calendula (Pot Marigold) Princess mixed
- Centaurea (Cornflower) Cabrilla mixed
- Grass Panicum violaceum (fluffy green filler)
- Larkspur Limelight mixed
- Moluccella (Bells of Ireland)
- Nigella (Love in the Mist) Persian Jewels
- Papaver (Poppy) Amazing Grey. New Silver grey to slate blue semi-double flowers
- Statice (Everlasting flower) Sunburst mixed
- Zinnia Benary’s Giants
There will be sweet peas again and we should have Gypsophila Snowflake in the perennial section by mid-June to go with them.
We shall have our usual large range of cosmos; the taller ones make good cut flowers. This year’s Razzmatazz Mix again and the single white Purity.
Antirrhinum Rocket mixed Aster Gala mixed Clarry Monarch mixed Grass Penicum violaceum Larkspur Limelight mixed Moluccella laevis
Bells of IrelandNigella Persian Jewels Love in the Mist Zinnia Benary’s Giant mixed Statice Sunburst mixed Everlasting flower Papaver Amazing Grey
Cosmos Razzmatazz mixed Cosmos single white Purity Gypsophila Snowflake