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Early Spring flowers with our March Banner


Wide range of Standard & Patio Roses from Wiltshire's Downside Nurseries

Welcome to our Roses list. Our wide range includes climbers, ramblers, floribunda, hybrid tea, patio, shrub and standards and we have a particularly good selection of repeat-flowering scented shrub roses. 

Our stock includes a good selection from Bentley West and Rumwoods.  Unfortunately,  David Austen have withdrawn all of their roses from general sale and are only propagating and distributing them themselves.  This means we shall be missing a few old stalwarts in the shrub section, but there are thousands of roses out there to choose from and we are working hard to make sure we have a good selection for you. We have been particularly impressed with the performance of the Nostalgic roses, beautiful flowers all summer long. We list these under hybrid tea which is how their breeder categorises them but they are shrub/ hybrid tea crosses similar to David Austen’s “English” roses.

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This year rose production has been delayed by the mild autumn. Our rose suppliers are very conscientious and will not lift until the new growth is properly ripe. There were then further delays due to flooding. They are all potted now and ready for sale but would benefit from a  few weeks in their pots to get their roots out. We put enough long-term fertilizer in to give them a good start and last the season so if you plant early make sure our compost goes into the hole.

To see the list of roses that we have in stock at the beginning of the season, please see the list below; this does not, however, guarantee availability on the day of your visit. If you are looking for something particular, do ask – we might be able to help. Call us on 01225 862 392 or email us.

Gorgeous Hybrid Tea Rose Flower in yellow/orange

See our list here for roses which we’ve ordered into special occasion categories, e.g. anniversaries and celebrations.
The guide to colours, size, scents etc is approximate.

Location: Our rose bushes may be found on the standing-out ground to your left as you approach the main glasshouse.

Plant List for Roses 2025

Please remember that the plant list is correct as at February 2025, but not all plants may be available on the day of your visit

If you’d like to download this page, please click here

Key to “Notes” Column

C ContinuousR repeat flowering
H Suitable for hedgingS summer flowering
NW grows on north wallSh tolerates shade
P tolerates poor soilT suitable to grow into a tree

Climbers And Ramblers

Climbing roses form a frame and you prune back to the frame each year;
Ramblers scramble over a fence or pergola and you prune by taking out whole old stems, leaving the new growth to take over.

Floribunda Roses Flower all Season

Ground Cover Roses Flower all Season

Hedging Roses

Hybrid Tea Roses Flower all Season

Nostalgic Roses are continuous flowering roses. At 1m they are larger than most Hybrid Teas and could easily be classed as small shrub roses, but the breeder considers them Hybrid Teas. They are strongly scented. Only recently available, they are proving very popular.

Shrub Roses

The term shrub rose covers quite a wide variety of types. Some of the heritage varieties flower only once in the summer but are still worth growing for their beauty and fragrance.
  • Modern shrub roses are modern hybrids that repeat flower
  • Moss roses have mossy growth on their stems and calyces and double or semi-double flowers in clusters.
  • Portland compact  are repeat-flowering  roses with double or semi-double flowers
  • Rosa mundi syn Rosa gallicia Versicolour with crimson-striped white flowers
  • Rosa rubrifolia syn Rosa glauca -Grey foliage red hips
  • Rosa Rugosa are sturdy roses that flower repeatedly and are suitable for hedging. They have large ornamental hips.

Standard Roses Flower all Season

Terrace, Patio and Miniature Roses Flower all Season