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Winter flowers with our Feb Banner

Use the herb bench…

We aim to keep the herb bench topped up all summer with the popular herbs – parsley, thyme, mint, basil, coriander and chives.  While you are there, have a look at what else is on offer…

The VAT rules are complicated as some plants are both herbal/culinary and ornamental so they can be VAT-free as long as they are in small pots and displayed in the herb section.  So very often there are VAT free bargains to be had!!.  At the moment there are variegated thymes and some Echinacea pallida which makes a pretty cottage garden plant with pale pink drooping petals.  There is also Rosemary Haifa: this is a dwarf trailing variety which will behave itself in a herb bed or planter and is also an excellent rockery plant. The regular varieties quickly make large shrubs and can outgrow their welcome.

Here’s the link to our herb page on the website

Echinacea pallida on the herb bench

Echinacea pallida

Rosemary Haifa

Rosemary Haifa