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Winter flowers with our Feb Banner

New Stock – Magnolia grandiflora, Corylopsis, Ilex crenata

It is difficult to keep the stock list on the website up dated so from time to time it is useful to mention some of the new plants we have in…

Magnolia grandiflora – these are really lovely evergreen magnolias with huge white flowers, usually scented. They are fully hardy and tolerant of rather limey soil.  We have had to import these from Holland as for some reason they are difficult to find in this country.  We have five varieties of Magnolia grandiflora from which to choose:

  • Ferruginea
  • Francois Treyve
  • Galisoniensis
  • Exmouth (image featured)
  • Le Nantais (double)

Corylopsis– not rare but not widely available.  We now have a few in stock. They are a bit like a hazel on steroids with dramatic long catkins in early spring.  A good plant for a winter garden.

Winter is a good time to look at the structure of your garden.  Trees and topiary give shape and perspective even when everything is covered with frost or snow.

Ilex crenata  (also known as box-leaved holly or Japanese holly) is largely replacing Box – it looks very similar but there is no worry about blight.  We have balls and cones both in this and Taxus (yew).  Olives are tougher than you might think.  We have some standards of both Olive and Bay and some pretty little quarter standards on the herb bench which would be splendid on a patio or even indoors.

Thanks to RHS for images on this page.


Corylopsis - a bit like a hazel on steroids with dramatic long catkins in early spring- currrently available at Downside Nurseries (image thanks RHS)

Corylopsis – a bit like a hazel on steroids with dramatic long catkins in early spring- currrently available at Downside Nurseries (image thanks RHS)

Ilex crenata (also known as box-leaved holly or Japanese holly) is largely replacing Box available at Downside Nurseries. Thanks to RHS for image

Ilex crenata (also known as box-leaved holly or Japanese holly) is largely replacing Box available at Downside Nurseries. Thanks to RHS for image