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Winter flowers with our Feb Banner

Winter colour in your garden

Despite the cold snap there are still a lot of colourful plants on the nursery providing wonderful winter colour.  Polyanthus, primroses, pansies and violas. We have some double primroses which come from division rather than seed. These are really touch and will last for years in the border.  We also have wild primroses (which are surprisingly difficult to propagate) and cowslips.   Also some cyclamen coum in full flower.

This is the time of year for Hellebores. We have a wide selection, doubles and sinles, spotted and plain.  The petals are not really petals, but bracts and so although they fade a little, they do not wither.   If you have not removed the old foliage from the hellebores in the garden, do it now.

W Helleborus Argutifolius herbaceous at Downside 786 web W Primula assorted colours 892 W Primula English primrose 846