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Early Spring flowers with our March Banner

Nursery News 21st July 2012

RHS Flower Show Tatton Park. BBC1 TV on 20th July 2012

Fabulous gardens and plants featured and Carol Klein identified plants to add colour to a late-flowering border.  We’re delighted that many of the plants mentioned we have here in stock at Downside.  For example,

  • Hydrangea quercifolia
  • a lovely chocolate Eupatorium
  • Lythrum salicaria ‘Robert’ (Loosestrife ‘Robert’)
  • Abutilon – there are about 150 species in this genus and we have several in various colours
  • Diascia personata  – a different variety – Juliet  – orange – white – pink
  • Veronicastrum virginicum fascination
  • Agastache – not the Black Adder, but Golden Jubilee – purple flowers and yellow leaves

Open daily from 9am to 5pm.

Carol Klein also commented on the use of colours in a garden:

Red – advancing towards you

Pink – pretty, delicate, feminine

Blue – receding, good to lose boundaries and horizons, makes edges disappear

Green and white – (using white-edged leaves). White sparkles in the day and becomes more luminous as the day finishes.